It started in March 2017......

9 March 2017
Had a medical checkup at Tanglin government clinic for prolong eye pains and  cough. Was given a referral to eye specialist for further checkup.

12 April 2017
Went to PPUM eye specialist for thorough checkup on both eyes and later referred to RUKA, an outpatient clinic for diabetic retinopathy and hypertension tests.

19  April 2017
RUKA first checkup suggested blood test and X-ray on the chest.

3 May 2017
Undergone blood test and X-ray

10 May 2017
Back to RUKA for the results. X-ray showed water in the lung. Chest clinic was consulted.

12 May 2017
Met up with the Chest clinic who arranged for tapping out the water from the lung. They also arranged for CT Scan and ultrasound to check other causes.

15 May 2017
Was admitted for the tapping but unfortunately it was not successful and discharged the next day.

19 May 2017
CT Scan performed and found massive growth in the tummy and a small growth in the right breast. Ultrasound was also done on both legs and found massive blood clots indicating DVT(deep vein thrombosis).  Back to the chest clinic I was asked to be admitted immediately.  The tumour on the breast was about 2cm and ovary around 15cm.

22 May 2017
Started on blood thinning injection (Clexane) twice a day.

23 May 2017
 Tapping was done again. This time it was successful.  It took 4 days to drain.out.

26 May 2017
Biopsy performed on the right breast.  Discharged on the same day.

2 June 2017
Faced Gynae team.  The bomb exploded.  The biopsy confirmed malignant. Have to start chemotherapy.  Surgery was to be arranged. IVC filter had to be inserted before then to prevent pulmonary embolism(PE) due to the DVT.

5 June 2017
Admitted again in preparation for IVC insertion the next day.

7 June 2017
The moment I dreaded. Chemo...first one on cycle of 3.  It took almost overnight to complete. Was discharged the next day.

9 June 2017
Met up with the Chest team.  Cleared from the dreadful disease.

12 June 2017
Another round of admission to insert chemo port for use of further chemo. It was done the next day and discharged day after.

4 July 2017
Second chemo done at daycare.  It took about 5 hours.  Started losing hair after that.

25 July 2017
Third chemo hopefully the last done.  The experience throughout was very dreadful.  Lost my appetite,  pain in the abdomen and of course lost a of weight.

31 July 2017
Gynae review.  The chemo did not do much.  They decided to extend a another cycle of 3.

14 August 2018
Blood test done were not satisfying.  Could not start the fourth chemo.  Booster was injected to accelerate it.

17 August 2017
Blood test done again and the fourth chemo ready to proceed.

7 September 2017
Fifth chemo scheduled.

15 September 2017
CT Scan scheduled to check progress so far.  No additional bad news.

28 September 2017
Sixth chemo supposed to be done but HB and platelets were low.

29 September 2017
Admitted for blood transfusion. 2 packs tranfused and discharged the next day.

2 October 2017
6th chemo continued.

4 October 2017
Admitted again for mammogram and ultrasound on left breast. Nothing found. Discharged the next day and went to see Anaesthetist in preparation  for scheduled surgery on 17 October 2017.

12 October 2017
Admitted in preparation for the operation. Tests done blood condition was not too good.  Booster was given and the operation postponed to 31 October 2017.  Around this time, I found an alternative, a natural product which claimed can cure the disease.  I started on it.  No harm it is just food not drugs.

25 October 2017
Meanwhile Bone Scan was done to determine whether the cancer cells had spread.  Oh great nothing found.

26 October 2017
Admitted in preparation for the surgery on 31 October 2017.

31 October 2017
D day.  2 major operations in 1 day.  Hysterectomy performed before mastectomy on my right breast. Gosh.. I lost a lot of blood. 5 packs needed to replace it at the OT table.  2 packs later transfused in the ward.  Stayed in the ward for 2 weeks.

22 November 2017
Gynae followup to remove sutures. The pathology report post-op said that I have Stage 4 Ovarian Cancer and Stage 1 Breast Cancer.  The two are unrelated.  Then followed by haematologist and oncologist followups. Tumour marker CA125 test showed positive result.  It reduced to 44. It started with 1437 when it was first tested.  Just before the operation, it was just stagnant around 1000.  I guessed my alternative solution did work.  Oncologist said no more chemo.  What a great news to hear.

6 December 2017
Bone Mineral Density(BMD) was done to check on bone porosity.  Anasterozole prescribed as hormone therapy.

12 December 2017
Realised hardened growth on the right breast. Breast surgeon did a biopsy and ultrasound but found it was just a serous, liquid accumulated after the surgery.  What a scare.

9 January 2018
CT Scan again to check the progress.  Everything looked fine.

18 January 2018
Gynae review.  Nothing new observed so I requested  for the IVC filter to be removed.  They were quite reluctant to do it as there were still blood clots around. CA125 reduced to 15...a very safe region.  From then on,only a quarterly was required.

20 April 2018
CA125 test went down further to 8...unbelievable.

17 May 2018
Admitted for IVC filter removal on the next day.  It failed.  They tried for almost 3 hours.  It was a very disappointing moment.  I needed other options as I want it to be removed otherwise I will be on anti-coagulant for life.

1 June 2018
Had a discussion with haematologist regarding anti-coagulant.  Decided to change from Clexane to Warfarin which is so much cheaper to maintain but certain food intake has to be care of.

4 June 2018
Clexane stopped.  Hope it is forever.   It has been a year since my diagnosis.  I feel good so far.  My hair regrow and my weight slowly starts to recover back up.   The oncologist said it  is too early to declare I am cancer free but he said I am on remission...
