
It started in March 2017...... 9 March 2017 Had a medical checkup at Tanglin government clinic for prolong eye pains and  cough. Was given a referral to eye specialist for further checkup. 12 April 2017 Went to PPUM eye specialist for thorough checkup on both eyes and later referred to RUKA, an outpatient clinic for diabetic retinopathy and hypertension tests. 19  April 2017 RUKA first checkup suggested blood test and X-ray on the chest. 3 May 2017 Undergone blood test and X-ray 10 May 2017 Back to RUKA for the results. X-ray showed water in the lung. Chest clinic was consulted. 12 May 2017 Met up with the Chest clinic who arranged for tapping out the water from the lung. They also arranged for CT Scan and ultrasound to check other causes. 15 May 2017 Was admitted for the tapping but unfortunately it was not successful and discharged the next day. 19 May 2017 CT Scan performed and found massive growth in the tummy and a small growth in the right breast. Ultraso